The University of Texas at Dallas

Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science


Recognizing A Team Effort: Commencement Ceremony Honors Graduates of 2020 and 2021

  • Sneha Thakur PhD’21 (right) graduated in spring 2021 with a PhD in electrical engineering and posed with her dissertation advisor, Dr. Poras T. Balsara (left).

Nearly a year and a half after the COVID-19 pandemic began in March 2020, graduates from the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science were welcomed back to campus for in-person commencement festivities on Aug. 9-10. Graduates from spring, summer and fall 2020, as well as spring 2021 attended the event, students had adapted to The University of Texas at Dallas remote operations following spring break, continuing with online courses and virtual campus events through the summer of 2021, so many returned to campus for the first time in several months.

On Monday Aug. 9, doctoral degree graduates across the University participated in the doctoral hooding ceremony. As speakers described the significance of the doctoral regalia with colors from UT Dallas which will be worn for subsequent ceremonies throughout their lives, they also reminded graduates of their loved ones’ support.

“You are representing UT Dallas with distinction,” said Dr. Juan Gonázlez, dean of graduate education. “You could not have succeeded without the encouragement and sacrifices in support of your success.”

On Tuesday, Aug. 10 2021, bachelor’s and master’s degree candidates from the Jonsson School participated in three in-person commencement ceremonies.

During the second ceremony, Dr. Stephanie G. Adams, dean of the Jonsson School, introduced graduate David M. Brooks BS’21 who delivered one of two commencement addresses for the Jonsson School; Kasra Nasiripour BS’20 delivered the other address.

“Engineers rarely build anything great without a team, and I know I’ve got one,” Brooks said. “They’ll have my back as we move forward. I don’t know what comes next, but that’s what makes it exciting … Keep in mind that no matter what the twists and turns, we’re smart, we’re engineers, we’re Comets. We can handle a challenge, including whatever comes next.”