Fast Track Admissions: C.E.
Computer Engineering Fast Track Admissions Requirements
Cumulative GPA greater than or equal to 3.30
Point of Contact : Dr. Kamran Kiasaleh
Email : kamran@utdallas.edu
Benchmark Classes
CE 3161 Social Issues and Ethics in Engineering
CE 3201 Electrical and Computer Engineering Fundamentals-I Laboratory
CE 3202 Electrical and Computer Engineering Fundamentals-II Laboratory
ECS 3390 Professional and Technical Communication3
CE 3301 Electrical Network Analysis
CE 3303 Discrete-Time Signals and Systems
CE 3320 Digital Circuits
ENGR 3341 Probability Theory and Statistics
CE 3345 Data Structures and Introduction to Algorithmic Analysis
CE 3354 Software Engineering
CE 4304 Computer Architecture
CE 4348 Operating Systems Concepts
CE 4370 Embedded Systems
Fast Track Courses
Students in consultation with Prof. Kiasaleh will generate a degree-plan that will outline graduate courses they would be allowed to take during their undergraduate studies.